( 27, 26, 'Holo-Wardrobe ', 'Costumes, weapons, and dyes keep you safe and looking sharp. INSERT INTO `store_category ` ( `id `, `parentId `, `name `, `description `, `index `, `visible `) VALUES Dumping data for table nexus_forever_world-prod.store_category: ~35 rows (approximately) `visible ` tinyint( 1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0 ', `index ` int( 10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1 ', `description ` varchar( 150) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ', `name ` varchar( 50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ', `parentId ` int( 10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '26 ',

`id ` int( 10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0 ',

Dumping structure for table nexus_forever_world-prod.store_categoryĬREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `store_category ` (